Urso Chappell’s ExpoMuseum Blog: From Twitter 05-08-2011

09 May 2011

From Twitter 05-08-2011

  • 10:07:59: RT @wellingtonwong It's hard to believe that Expo 86 was held in Vancouver 25 years ago. Remember Expo Ernie & the UFO HTO Water Park? ...
  • 14:00:44: RT @RC_CB Assistez à l’avant-première de « Tout le monde en parlait : Expo 86 », le 10 mai prochain. R.S.V.P.... http://ow.ly/4PKRn
  • 14:06:28: RT @briandistelberg Via @nypl, the 1939 World's Fair was apparently way ahead of 2006 internet memes...: http://bit.ly/iLVJz5
  • 14:08:27: 2011 not only marks 25 years since Expo 86, but also 25 years since North America has held a world's fair. Since then, there have been nine.

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