- 01:04 1880's quote found in the book Eiffel's Tower: (world's fairs) are "out of date. Their inconveniences are not balanced by their advantages" #
27 May 2009
Yesterday's ExpoMuseum Twitter Posts
26 May 2009
Yesterday's ExpoMuseum Twitter Posts
- 19:21 Visited Jackson Park in Chicago, site of the 1893 World's Columbian Exposition: www.ExpoMuseum.com/1893/ #
22 May 2009
Yesterday's ExpoMuseum Twitter Posts
- 01:48 CCTV video: Shanghai Science and Art Exhibition opens: english.cctv.com/20090517/101166.shtml #
- 16:09 Seattle Times: Northwest Folklife Festival celebrates 100th anniversary of A-Y-P: tinyurl.com/ayp090521 #
21 May 2009
Yesterday's ExpoMuseum Twitter Posts
- 14:25 Will "Eiffel's Tower" do for interest in 1889 Paris what "Devil in the White City" did for 1893 Chicago? tinyurl.com/eiffels #
20 May 2009
Yesterday's ExpoMuseum Twitter Posts
- 16:15 New York Worlds Fair memorabilia on display and for sale in Queens hotel 07 June 2009: tinyurl.com/ocawm4 #
19 May 2009
Yesterday's ExpoMuseum Twitter Posts
- 15:28 The Atlantic has a follow-up article about USA at Expo 2010: bit.ly/Ntyra #
18 May 2009
Yesterday's ExpoMuseum Twitter Posts
- 14:50 On Treasure Island in SF for '39-'40 San Francisco walking tour and speech by original Theme Girl: www.TreasureIslandMuseum.org #
- 18:22 RT @msittig Is Adam Minter doing all this Expo 2010 investigation pro bono? First rate stuff shanghaiscrap.com/ #
- 18:26 Seattle Times on 100th anniversary of A-Y-P Expo: bit.ly/Gka9A #
17 May 2009
Yesterday's ExpoMuseum Twitter Posts
- 02:12 16 May 2009: 350 days until the opening of Expo 2010: www.ExpoMuseum.com/2010/ #
- 11:30 @jinnyp World's fairs still go on... just not in the USA in 25 years. 2010 Shanghai, 2012 Korea, 2015 Milan: www.ExpoMuseum.com/ #
- 11:32 Toronto's loss of Expo 2015 a big gain for sister city Milan: www.thestar.com/gta/columnist/article/634710 #
16 May 2009
Yesterday's ExpoMuseum Twitter Posts
- 09:22 Christian Science Monitor article about Expo 2010: bit.ly/psS2Y #
- 16:26 NY Times: Mysterious 1964-'65 New York bus shelters researched: bit.ly/18fEhW #
- 16:28 Expo '74 and the Spokane Falls: bit.ly/EF8LF #
15 May 2009
Yesterday's ExpoMuseum Twitter Posts
- 09:04 "Blunt talk from China on the US Expo 2010 pavilion": shanghaiscrap.com/?p=2960 #
- 16:13 The 1904 Saint Louis hotel that just won't die: bit.ly/12FF9z #
- 16:15 Seattle Times on the 100th anniversary of Seattle's A-Y-P: bit.ly/1amPHO #
- 17:10 A-Y-P Centennial Symposiums in Seattle, 20-21 June 2009: www.historicseattle.org/events/aype.aspx #
13 May 2009
Yesterday's ExpoMuseum Twitter Posts
- 00:21 ExpoMuseum's Expo 2010 section updated: www.ExpoMuseum.com/2010/ #
- 08:31 12 May 2009 marks the 25th anniversary of the opening of the 1984 Louisiana World Exposition in New Orleans: www.ExpoMuseum.com/1984 #
- 08:32 12 May 2009: Just three years to go until the opening of Expo 2012 in Yeosu, Korea: www.ExpoMuseum.com/2012/ #
- 12:43 @bhinn 1984 New Orleans was the first world's fair to have an official mascot. #
- 23:15 Poll: Which is your favorite expo mascot? expomuseum.com/mascot/ #
Poll: Favorite Expo Mascot
Since 1984, international expositions have included an official mascot.
Which is your favorite?

Vote here for your favorite.
Which is your favorite?

Vote here for your favorite.
12 May 2009
Yesterday's ExpoMuseum Twitter Posts
- 15:54 San Franciscans: Treasure Island (1939-'40 GGIE site) Walking Tour this Sunday: www.treasureislandmuseum.org/ #
11 May 2009
Yesterday's ExpoMuseum Twitter Posts
- 13:43 Fascinating article about James Chiang, a Chinese-American oilman trying to get involved with the US Pavilion: tinyurl.com/phsqck #
09 May 2009
Yesterday's ExpoMuseum Twitter Posts
- 08:37 Another article about the US at Expo 2010: tinyurl.com/nasdaq-usaexpo2010 #
- 08:46 Fascinating blog article about the United States and Expo 2010: shanghaiscrap.com/?p=2926 #
- 08:48 Bosnia-Herzegovinia and Expo 2010: en.expo2010.cn/a/20090508/000007.htm #
- 08:55 The Middleton Family at the (1939) New York World's Fair (video): bit.ly/YH8af #
08 May 2009
Yesterday's ExpoMuseum Twitter Posts
- 08:31 Wash. Post article: "U.S. Running Out of Time...": bit.ly/Tuqqo #
- 10:38 Season Pass Podcast episode 79 now online: search iTunes or go to bit.ly/AbwmX #
- 10:40 USA, Colombia, and Andorra: the only countries with diplomatic ties to P. R. China that haven't officially signed on to Expo 2010 #
- 13:58 "City," one of Expo 2010's theme songs (with Jackie Chan): bit.ly/ERMtN #
07 May 2009
Yesterday's ExpoMuseum Twitter Posts
- 00:14 06 May 2009 marks the 120th anniversary of the opening of Paris's 1889 Exposition Universelle and the now iconic Eiffel Tower. #
- 08:30 @Expo2015Camp has a new site about Milan, Italy's Expo 2015: www.expo2015camp.org/ (in Italian) #
- 08:32 Abitare magazine: From Salone to Expo 2015: bit.ly/Zk7If (in English) #
- 09:56 2009 marks the 25th anniversary of New Orleans' 1984 Louisiana World Expo... Thank the still recovering city: www.84plus25.org/ #
- 12:08 Germany at Expo 2010: www.expo2010-germany.com/ #
- 12:12 Singapore at Expo 2010: www.singaporeatworldexpo.com/ #
- 15:47 Local TV program about San Francisco's 1939-'40 Golden Gate Int'l Expo site: cbs5.com/eyeonthebay/treasure.island.bay.2.1000904.html #
- 23:00 Seattle's Expo '74 section updated: www.ExpoMuseum.com/1974 #
06 May 2009
Yesterday's ExpoMuseum Twitter Posts
- 16:51 360 days left until Expo 2010 opening and still no construction or official commitment from the USA... Anyone have a few million $ to spare? #
- 16:58 @AWahl13 A movie based on "Devil in the White City" is currently in development. It will be great to see 1893 Chicago on the big screen. #
- 17:06 RT @edmontonexpo17 Mayor: think ambition ... confidence ... extraordinary ... for EXPO bid. State of city speech: bit.ly/RTecX #
- 19:38 Chapter 6 of The Expo Book now online as a PDF: www.TheExpoBook.com/ #
- 22:00 Photos from Spokane's Expo '74 World's Fair legacy site posted: www.flickr.com/photos/expomuseum/sets/72157617763182810/ #
05 May 2009
Yesterday's ExpoMuseum Twitter Posts
- 08:37 @worldexpoblog has an excellent collection of Expo 2010 artist's renderings: www.flickr.com/photos/worldexpoblog/ #
- 12:43 @theNavigator How much of the Expo 2010 construction site is viewable by the public? By the press? #
- 12:50 Looking for folks interested in participating in a World's Fair Podcast... email Urso@ExpoMuseum.com #
- 15:28 @archdaily writes about Expo 2010's Italy Pavilion: tinyurl.com/d8zvkl (we predict the wooden model will make a popular souvenir) #
03 May 2009
Yesterday's ExpoMuseum Twitter Posts
- 18:37 Visiting Spokane's Expo 74 site... photos (and an updated page) to be posted soon #
- 18:45 Malaysia at Expo 2010: tinyurl.com/22qbha/2009/5/2/focus/3818729&sec=focus #
01 May 2009
Yesterday's ExpoMuseum Twitter Posts
- 00:12 30 April 2009 marks the 70th anniversary of the opening of the 1939-'40 New York World's Fair... www.ExpoMuseum.com/1939n #
- 12:29 Season Pass Podcast Episode 78 (2008 results & 2009 preview) now up: tinyurl.com/cfomuw #
- 23:41 Great video of Expo 2010 Israel Pavilion: tinyurl.com/d66p6f #
- 00:04 1 May 2009 marks the one year mark until Expo 2010 opens in Shanghai and 6 years until Expo 2015 opens in Milan. #
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