- 08:19 RT @Love_UFOs World's Fair towers play starring role in 'CSI: NY' t.love.com/255751566 #
- 20:16 Interesting promotion or littering? bit.ly/wruHE #expo2010 #
30 September 2009
Yesterday's ExpoMuseum Twitter Posts
29 September 2009
Yesterday's ExpoMuseum Twitter Posts
- 11:21 RT @sustainnow Bill Dunster to exhibit zero carbon solutions at Shanghai Expo 2010 ow.ly/rqbt He's looking for material to submit #
- 11:23 RT @euroasia Cool jobs available [for NZ'ers] at Shanghai Expo 2010: Anyone keen to work in Shanghai for six months? bit.ly/yvLVG #
28 September 2009
Yesterday's ExpoMuseum Twitter Posts
- 01:33 New York's '64-'65 NY State Pavilion (as seen in MIB!) gets landmark status and could get a rehab: tinyurl.com/nystatepav #
- 11:10 RT @AntiqueCollect New blog post: Buying World's Fair Memorabilia bit.ly/46xscv #
- 11:11 Can you tell us more? I'd like to hear more about it. RT @cameronhall123 ...after a long hours finish to Yeosu Expo 2012 design competition #
- 11:13 RT @archiCentral Luxembourg Pavilion For Shanghai EXPO 2010 By Francois Valentiny: The idea ... bit.ly/19loUy #
- 22:58 RT @stefangeens Here' s what I've been up to these past weeks: The website of the Swedish pavilion at #expo2010 launches ow.ly/rm4g #
- 23:00 @swedenexpo now reporting on the Sweden Pavilion at #expo2010 #
26 September 2009
Yesterday's ExpoMuseum Twitter Posts
- 10:24 RT @t_architecture Architecture #Architecture: Turkey Pavillion for Shanghai Expo 2010... bit.ly/1a07G2 #expo2010 #
- 10:24 RT @GetDanceJobs Performing for World Expo 2010 in Shanghai, China - Shanghai, China, US (tinyurl.com/y9z9nt7 ) Get Dance Jobs #Dance #
- 10:26 Video: Hong Kong at Shanghai's Expo 2010: www.yubby.com/c/7047/57356 #expo2010 #
- 10:27 Talked with many ex-pats living in Shanghai this past week. Most were really surprised that no one in the USA knows about 2010 world's fair. #
- 12:47< /em> With the purchase of an Expo '92 mascot plush, EM will have every mascot from 1984 to 2010 except '85's Cosmo: tinyurl.com/ybjglee #
- 12:58 @causticchick Researching Expo 86 for my History Class. I was there! I was three-years-old, but I was there! I <3 Expo Ernie! #
- 15:42 RT @2DaysFilmSchool Filmmaker seeks [1939-'40 New York] World's Fair memories bit.ly/S509a #
25 September 2009
Yesterday's ExpoMuseum Twitter Posts
- 09:27 RT @worldexpoblog Finland pavilion tops out ping.fm/l74cQ #expo2010 #
- 09:27 RT @zanelamprey: Don't completely knock PBR @pleepleus Pabst was the 1st beer to win at the World's Fair. Hence the blue ribbon. #
- 09:30 Haibao = Gumby + Izzy? bit.ly/11sJUE #
24 September 2009
Yesterday's ExpoMuseum Twitter Posts
- 02:55 23 September 2009: 220 days until Expo 2010 opens. #
- 07:42 Stephan Larose's take on Expo 2010's Haibao: tinyurl.com/ltwomv (warning: you'll never see him the same way again) #expo2010 #
- 07:49 1984 Louisiana World Exposition's Neptune returning to New Orleans: www.1984worldsfairmemories.com/ #
- 15:53 RT @NYUStudyAbroad NYU in Shanghai AND the World's Fair Expo in 2010?!?!?!? Apply by 10/15 and know by Halloween... bit.ly/BdVYI #
- 20:48 RT @TriviaWolf World's Fair Update Life mag goes online through Google scan project: I was just sent a link .. bit.ly/12dNdz #
23 September 2009
Yesterday's ExpoMuseum Twitter Posts
- 00:01 RT @shanghaidaily: Raising funds will no longer be a problem for US Pavilion as it has now raised over US$40 mln of... bit.ly/3GZcE0 #
- 18:42 RT @coffeeatnaptime shredded wheat, cracker jacks, juicy fruit, zippers and ferris wheels were all introduced at the 1893 World's Fair. #
- 18:43 RT @grmeyer Jump into the retro way-back machine and enjoy the Skyway at the 1964 World's Fair: Charles Phoenix bit.ly/sT08Q #
- 18:44 RT @walletpopper Does the U.S. really need another World's Fair? retwt.me/ckzp I'd love to go. #
- 18:47 RT @tweetmeme "Shanghai Baby" and the World Expo 2010 bit.ly/WTJnw #
- 18:53 Talking with locals on the ground in Shanghai, they can't believe Americans don't know about Expo 2010 or that world's fairs still happen. #
- 19:53 Posted new photos from Expo 2010's Expo Mansion exhibits: www.flickr.com/photos/expomuseum/ #
22 September 2009
Yesterday's ExpoMuseum Twitter Posts
- 23:52 In my short few days in Shanghai, I managed to soak up a lot of Expo 2010 information which I will be blogging about soon. #
- 23:53 RT @giovannaheart my parents are considering moving to shang hai from april - october 2009 for the world's fair! #
- 23:54 coffeeatnaptime shredded wheat, cracker jacks, juicy fruit, zippers and ferris wheels were all introduced at the 1893 World's Fair. #
20 September 2009
Yesterday's ExpoMuseum Twitter Posts
- 21:43 I was finally able to update my blog from here in Shanghai as they prepare for #expo2010 www.ExpoMuseum.com/blog/ #
19 September 2009
Greetings from Shanghai
This trip has been pretty amazing so far. Unfortunately, it's taken me a few days to be able to access my blog in order to report.

Friday, I was honored to be the guest of the Australian Pavilion for a quick tour around the Expo 2010 site under construction and an amazing look at the Australian Pavilion under construction. It's truly amazing how much creativity and time-consuming work goes into creating a pavilion that likely been in operation for just 6 months, hosting 5 million of the 70+ million visitors expected.
I'm deeply grateful to the folks at Ogilvy PR and World Expo Blog who were able to arrange my visit, Michael Darragh and Lina Han. Our Australian Pavilion host Peter Sams, who I was delighted to find out was a reader of my site and blog, is the pavilion director and veteran of the Australian Pavilion at Expo 2005 in Aichi.
I've posted some photos from the visit at:
Saturday, I played the role of a more traditional tourist and visited People's Park and the adjacent shopping areas. In People's Park, the city has an Urban Planning Museum which, right now, is mostly about their preparations for Expo 2010.
I was rather tickled to see a couple of my photos in an exhibit about the history of expo mascots. It's rather satisfying to see photos of my own world's fair memorabilia collection in a museum on the other side of the planet.
Haibao and ads for Expo 2010 blanket nearly every square foot of surface in this town that's not under construction. As I type this in my hotel room, I can hear the sounds of construction from various places in the city. As with Nagoya and Hannover, which I also visited in the year before their respective expos, the whole city is getting ready and everything seems to have the same deadline: 1 May 2010, opening day of Expo 2010.
I have plans to meet more folks that are working behind the scenes here in Shanghai. It must be thrilling to be working on all the little projects that will come together next year in the largest world's fair in history. I'm reminded of what it must have been like to work on the World's Columbian Exposition the year before: 1892. I find myself pondering what sort of anticipation there was in 1938, the year before New York's 1939-'40 New York World's Fair. In so many ways, I see parallels between Shanghai's Expo 2010 and Osaka's Expo '70. Imagine what it must have been like being a part of putting that together in 1969!

Friday, I was honored to be the guest of the Australian Pavilion for a quick tour around the Expo 2010 site under construction and an amazing look at the Australian Pavilion under construction. It's truly amazing how much creativity and time-consuming work goes into creating a pavilion that likely been in operation for just 6 months, hosting 5 million of the 70+ million visitors expected.
I'm deeply grateful to the folks at Ogilvy PR and World Expo Blog who were able to arrange my visit, Michael Darragh and Lina Han. Our Australian Pavilion host Peter Sams, who I was delighted to find out was a reader of my site and blog, is the pavilion director and veteran of the Australian Pavilion at Expo 2005 in Aichi.
I've posted some photos from the visit at:
Saturday, I played the role of a more traditional tourist and visited People's Park and the adjacent shopping areas. In People's Park, the city has an Urban Planning Museum which, right now, is mostly about their preparations for Expo 2010.
I was rather tickled to see a couple of my photos in an exhibit about the history of expo mascots. It's rather satisfying to see photos of my own world's fair memorabilia collection in a museum on the other side of the planet.
Haibao and ads for Expo 2010 blanket nearly every square foot of surface in this town that's not under construction. As I type this in my hotel room, I can hear the sounds of construction from various places in the city. As with Nagoya and Hannover, which I also visited in the year before their respective expos, the whole city is getting ready and everything seems to have the same deadline: 1 May 2010, opening day of Expo 2010.
I have plans to meet more folks that are working behind the scenes here in Shanghai. It must be thrilling to be working on all the little projects that will come together next year in the largest world's fair in history. I'm reminded of what it must have been like to work on the World's Columbian Exposition the year before: 1892. I find myself pondering what sort of anticipation there was in 1938, the year before New York's 1939-'40 New York World's Fair. In so many ways, I see parallels between Shanghai's Expo 2010 and Osaka's Expo '70. Imagine what it must have been like being a part of putting that together in 1969!
Yesterday's ExpoMuseum Twitter Posts
- 00:37 Visiting the Expo 2010 site under construction thanks to the Australian Pavilion's director, Peter Sams. I can't wait to see it finished! #
- 22:15 Visiting Shanghai's Urban Planning Museum, I spy a couple photos I took of my mascot collection! #
18 September 2009
Yesterday's ExpoMuseum Twitter Posts
- 18:58 As I walk the streets of Shanghai, there are signs EVERYWHERE for Expo 2010. You can't escape Haibao! #
17 September 2009
Yesterday's ExpoMuseum Twitter Posts
- 11:37 Leaving for Shanghai today to see the city prepare for next year's world's fair, #expo2010 #
16 September 2009
Yesterday's ExpoMuseum Twitter Posts
- 09:19 RT @worldexpoblog Solar energy for China and Theme pavilions at World Expo 2010 Shanghai bit.ly/UFKwJ #expo2010 #
- 09:21 RT @worldexpo2010 twic.li/ahP The float entered by the Shanghai World Expo parades during Shanghai Tourism Festival. #expo2010 #
- 09:24 RT @slideshows A Quick Catch Up On The World Expo 2010: A quick catch-up on the World Expo 2010 is a presentation I... bit.ly/2NwgDs #
- 09:28 RT @sciencestation Sept 15, 1904 -- first weather balloon released at St. Louis World's Fair. Now satellites collect and report met. data. #
- 09:28 RT @wipoolplayer video - 1939 ELEKTRO the Smoking Robot!!! New York World's Fair ow.ly/pptn #
- 09:31 The fate of the 1964-'65 New York World's Fair's New York State Pavilion (also seen in Men in Black!): tinyurl.com/nypavilion #
- 09:36 Interesting concept for Milan's Expo 2010: bit.ly/2vkjJZ (the first edible world's fair?) #
15 September 2009
Yesterday's ExpoMuseum Twitter Posts
- 08:57 Photo of #expo2010 United States Pavilion under construction as of yesterday: www.flickr.com/photos/expomuseum/3920060746/ #
14 September 2009
Expo 2010 United States Pavilion Construction

I received this photo this morning of the United States Pavilion under construction as of this past weekend.
On Wednesday, I travel to Shanghai to see the city and construction site in person.
Expo 2010,
United States Pavilion,
world's fair
Yesterday's ExpoMuseum Twitter Posts
- 12:51 RT @rameadows reading about the 1964 world's fair, we need to have another. #
- 23:30 13 September 2009: 230 days until #expo2010 opens. #
12 September 2009
Yesterday's ExpoMuseum Twitter Posts
- 10:27 RT @expochina Chinese jade culture through its....history will take center stage at Aurora Group's Expo 2010 Pavilion. bit.ly/2mVeg9 #
- 10:28 RT @justafish Lindy Hop etc at the 1939 New York World's Fair bit.ly/bG9El #
- 10:30 RT @pahistory On this day in history: First World's Parliament of Religions, 1893....Chicago hosted a World's Fair... url4.eu/PhfY #
- 10:30 RT @MyComicBooks [BatmanComics] - New York World's Fair Comics 1940 Superman Batman Robin: US $99.00 (0 Bid) End .. bit.ly/48VgK9 #
- 10:31 RT @AquaVelvet *NYC World's Fair* via LIFE photo archives: bit.ly/1afs8D | #architecture #design #typography #
- 10:32 RT @Dr_Manhattan RT @dstrawberrygirl: Update on recent 1939 World's Fair rebuild activity from @TriviaWolf bit.ly/oGqAs #
- 11:54 ExpoMuseum 2010 calendar postcards now at the printer. Send me your address if you want one. #
- 12:46 Nice quick views of Seattle's 1962 Century 21 Exposition from It Happened at the World's Fair: bit.ly/7I4JJ #
- 16:27 The Modesto Art Museum is showing items from San Francisco's 1939-'40 Golden Gate Int'l Exposition: www.modestoartmuseum.org/ #
- 16:30 RT @worldexpoblog Who wants to come with me into the Expo site this month? #expo2010 #
10 September 2009
Yesterday's ExpoMuseum Twitter Posts
- 13:14 Photo: #expo2010 US Pavilion Construction + NBA players + mascot Haibao: english.eastday.com/e/0909/u1a4644370.html #
09 September 2009
Yesterday's ExpoMuseum Twitter Posts
- 10:10 RT @OtisWhite How should Seattle celebrate the 50th anniversary of a world's fair that changed the city? bit.ly/lJsKm #
- 10:13 RT @paleofuture Apparently the site of the '64 World's Fair is one of the best places to skateboard in New York. #
- 10:14 RT @Celtophilia Mike Another glorious day. MO History Museum today. Great stuff about Lindbergh, 1904 World's Fair. I'm impressed. #
- 10:17 The 1992 Chicago World's Fair that didn't happen: cbs2chicago.com/vault/1992.worlds.fair.2.1166518.html #
- 10:32 RT @expochin a: Philadelphia Orchestra signed Expo 2010 today. Its concert in Expo site on May 7 will host 18k audiences. #
- 10:42 RT @worldexpo2010 "Chic, affordable Shanghai gears up for World Expo in 2010" by Boston Herald tinyurl.com/l2c6zc #expo2010 #shanghai #
- 15:54 Expo 58: Between Utopia and Reality has some great images: tinyurl.com/kpyhbt #
08 September 2009
Yesterday's ExpoMuseum Twitter Posts
- 19:40 For posts that aren't specifically about world's fairs, I've created a separate account at @UrsoChappell #
05 September 2009
Yesterday's ExpoMuseum Twitter Posts
- 10:35 RT @RobinG2 1939 World's Fair meeting today at 5pm Eastern / 2pm Pacific / 10pm UK twurl.nl/8x4xnt on #ReactionGrid #
- 18:48 Video (in English): Sweden and Shanghai's Expo 2010: bit.ly/2HpG6e #
04 September 2009
Yesterday's ExpoMuseum Twitter Posts
- 09:11 Abitare has an article about what makes a successful expo in preparation for Milan 2015: bit.ly/Q7ON8 #
- 09:13 RT @chinesepod Seems the search is on for Mandarin-speaking Australian volunteers for the Aussie Pavilion at #expo2010... ow.ly/nQCz #
- 10:07 03 September 2009: 240 days until Expo 2010 opens! www.ExpoMuseum.com/2010/ #
- 11:31 @TheSeasonPass is now on Twitter! Doug and Brent's podcast is really fantastic and I'm not JUST saying that because I'm an occasional guest. #< /li>
- 11:58 RT @AdamMinter So far, $35.5 million in sponsorships committed to US Expo 2010 pavilion - or 58% of $61 million budget. 240 days to go ... #
03 September 2009
Yesterday's ExpoMuseum Twitter Posts
- 10:52 @meredithjuncker World's fairs certainly do still exist: www.ExpoMuseum.com/ #
- 10:54 RT @expochina 7.25 million Expo tickets sold, said Xu Wei, spokesman of Expo 2010 organizer. 70 million visitors expected to 184-day event. #
- 14:29 RT @mikereynaga (and others) Stunning Shanghai Corporate Pavilion Made From Used CD Cases [Architecture]: bit.ly/17XNiR #
- 15:51 Treasure Island 1939 Exhibition from 22 July to 18 October in San Francisco's Presidio: www.presidio.gov/calendar/treasure.htm #
- 16:05 RT @KnoxvilleDotcom We have an oversized Rubik's Cube here in Knoxville at the East Tenn. History Museum. It's from the 1982 World's Fair. #
- 16:27 Expo 88's Expo Oz is currently ahead in our poll of favorite world's fair mascots. Which is your favorite? ExpoMuseum.com/mascot/ #
02 September 2009
Yesterday's ExpoMuseum Twitter Posts
- 09:56 ExpoMuseum.com turns 11 years old today! www.ExpoMuseum.com/ #
- 09:59 RT @mswedowsky Hey New Yorkers (and NY lovers), check out my new design: 1964 World's Fair Necklace bit.ly/36piJN #
- 11:36 Tweeting time traveler @Wendell_Howe visiting Philadelphia during the 1876 Centennial Exposition and is posting live updates. #
01 September 2009
Yesterday's ExpoMuseum Twitter Posts
- 08:51 RT @bcpix Photo of the Day - Chrysler Motors building, 1933 Chicago World's Fair-bit.ly/tOp3o - #dailyphoto #chicago #nostalgia #
- 08:52 RT @afewwords Off to do more research on '39 NY World's Fair. Did I mention the Giant Cash Register? bit.ly/GiantCashRegister #
- 08:54 RT @K_Dash tweetube.com/552 - Dutch Participation of Expo 2010 #
- 08:55 RT @expochina Hello tweeples! Expo 2010 Shanghai China is now twittering! #
- 08:59 RT @worldexpoblog Get to know the site of World Expo 2010 Shanghai tinyurl.com/exposite1 and tinyurl.com/exposite2 #expo2010 #
- 10:27 USA Pavilion at #expo2010 now has an online store: www.usapavilion2010store.com/ I don't recall a pavilion ever doing this before. #
- 10:47 RT @JByers11 Tour East Holidays in Canada launches online site dedicated to Shanghai World's Fair May to Oct, 2010. www.chinaexpo2010.ca #
- 15:58 UAE Pavilion at #expo2010 designed by Foster + Partners now complete! bit.ly/16s0MK #
- 23:07 Video: Malaysia at #expo2010: bit.ly/11s9su #
- 23:12 Who knew Six Flags Great Adventure still had the 1964-'65 New York World's Fair gondolas? Video: bit.ly/Tvla2 #
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