- 14:19 @nickmortensen Added level of nerdiness: correcting your dates: 1939-'40: www.ExpoMuseum.com/1939n #
- 14:39 RT @AdamMinter new blog post - When is a line a line, and when is it merely prestigious? At Expo 2010...of course. ow.ly/24rFN #
- 15:10 @nickmortensen Very cool! What was your thesis about? #
- 23:31 Added more Expo 2010 photos (there are now over 1300): www.flickr.com/photos/expomuseum/sets/72157624033211009/ #
30 June 2010
Yesterday's ExpoMuseum Twitter Posts
27 June 2010
Yesterday's ExpoMuseum Twitter Posts
- 13:11 Added more photos (including some advertising Expo 2012) to the Expo 2010 set (>1200 photos now): www.flickr.com/photos/expomuseum/ #
- 15:49 RT @elecooper Leaving for San Francisco tomorrow-reunion of guides from World's Fair in Japan Expo 70 catching up on 40 years... #
25 June 2010
Yesterday's ExpoMuseum Twitter Posts
- 11:17 Expo 2010's Armenia Pavilion is on Twitter @CityOfTheWorld ExpoMuseum's photos: www.flickr.com/photos/expomuseum/tags/expo2010armenia #
- 11:24 RT @expo2020 Join our Houston 2020 Facebook page and contribute your ideas to the next American World's Fair bit.ly/bfO6LT #
- 15:35 Expo 2010's Poland Pavilion having money issues: www.wbj.pl/article-50096-govt-working-to-shore-up-expo-2010-budget.html #
- 15:37 Singaporean disappointed by Expo 2010 Singapore pav.: www.temasekreview.com/2010/06/24/expo-2010-singapore-pavilion-a-big-letdown/ #
- 16:24 RT @clarissasays the [1893] Chicago World's Fair first introduced Juicy Fruit, Aunt Jemima's pancake mix, Cracker Jack, Shredded Wheat... #
- 16:29 Twilight at the World of Tomorrow book review: tinyurl.com/maurobook (about the 1939-'40 New York World's Fair) #
24 June 2010
Yesterday's ExpoMuseum Twitter Posts
- 16:31 RT @tprclassical 20 little robots dancing to Ravel's "Bolero," at the World Expo in China: tinyurl.com/2f9zla9 #EXPO2010 #
- 16:31 RT @fubiz: Danish Pavilion - Expo 2010 bit.ly/baAui5 #expo2010 #denmark #architecture #bike #
23 June 2010
Yesterday's ExpoMuseum Twitter Posts
- 13:59 San Francisco's former mayor Willie Brown: Shanghai's Expo 2010 "a stunning achievement": tinyurl.com/brownatexpo #
- 23:30 Posted video of Expo 2010's Saudi Arabia Pavilion... www.youtube.com/watch?v=2A0GU7BmRds #
22 June 2010
Yesterday's ExpoMuseum Twitter Posts
- 12:30 Details about Expo 2010's Latvia Pavilion from Shanghai Scrap (by @AdamMinter): shanghaiscrap.com/?p=5322 #
- 16:43 For fun, I found this: interesting to see the links between Osaka 1970 coverage and Shanghai 2010 coverage: tinyurl.com/expo70 #
- 16:44 RT @samarmijos ping.fm/p/VRuBb - World's Fair always has the most incredible Fabric Structures. Read more about Fabric Structures... #
- 23:18 It's ugly, but it's authentic and from 1893 Chicago: www.pbs.org/wgbh/roadshow/archive/200903A48.html #
21 June 2010
Yesterday's ExpoMuseum Twitter Posts
- 13:48 Great Antiques Roadshow segment about the iconic 1937 Paris poster: www.pbs.org/wgbh/roadshow/archive/200904A19.html #
20 June 2010
Yesterday's ExpoMuseum Twitter Posts
- 05:29 Video of the chair lift ride at Expo 2010's Switzerland Pavilion: www.youtube.com/watch?v=q7KDgUcnSFQ #
- 16:42 We now have over 1000 Expo 2010 photos to explore: www.flickr.com/photos/expomuseum/sets/72157624033211009/ #
19 June 2010
Switzerland's Chair Lift Ride at Expo 2010
The Switzerland Pavilion features a chair lift ride that spirals up the center of the pavilion up to a rooftop Swiss landscape. It affords great views of the Expo site and Shanghai skyline.
Chair Lift,
Expo 2010,
Switzerland Pavilion
Yesterday's ExpoMuseum Twitter Posts
- 22:36 Very cool video from the Expo 2010 Latvia Pavilion: www.flickr.com/photos/expomuseum/4713286438/ #
18 June 2010
Expo 2010's Latvia Pavilion
Here's some video from the Latvia Pavilion at Expo 2010 in Shanghai.
The performers were treated like rock stars by the audience as everyone jockeyed for position to get themselves photographed with them afterwards.
Yesterday's ExpoMuseum Twitter Posts
- 10:54 San Francisco Week at Expo 2010: 17-25 June: bit.ly/d8AIpE #
- 16:05 @edmontonexpo17 Edmonton in Expo 2010's Pavilion of City Being: www.flickr.com/photos/expomuseum/tags/edmonton #
- 16:09 RT @sally_draper how come @DonDraperSCDP always promises to take us to the World's Fair but he never does it @Robert_Draper? #
17 June 2010
Yesterday's ExpoMuseum Twitter Posts
- 16:14 Chicago folks: brown bag lecture about 1893 Chicago: www.dailyherald.com/story/?id=387875 #
- 16:18 RT @shanghaiist Photo of the Day: Beeter City, Beeter Lufe: Photo by Shanghaiist reader Rebecca Catching... tinyurl.com/39ewb5a #
- 16:48 Here here!! RT @AdamMinter new blog post: What I like best about US pavilion at Expo 2010 - Student Ambassadors. tinyurl.com/38dyu49 #
- 23:22 Episode 12 of The World's Fair Podcast is now up. Urso talks about his first day at Expo 2010: www.WorldsFairPodcast.com/ #
16 June 2010
The World's Fair Podcast, Episode 12: Urso's Expo 2010, Day 1

In episode 12, Urso talks about his first day on the Expo 2010 site.
ExpoMuseum's photos on Flickr:
North Korea Pavilion
Expos x Expos
Timor-Leste Pavilion
Maldives Pavilion
Bangladesh Pavilion
Kyrgyzstan Pavilion
United Arab Emirates Pavilion
Israel Pavilion
Sri Lanka Pavilion
Pacific Islands Pavilion
Red Cross Red Crescent Pavilion
United Nations Pavilion
Australia Pavilion
Singapore Pavilion
Philippines Pavilion
Portugal Pavilion
Slovakia Pavilion
Czech Republic Pavilion
Bosnia-Herzegovina Pavilion
Belarus Pavilion
Bulgaria Pavilion
Montenegro Pavilion
Georgia Pavilion
Hungary Pavilion
Ireland Pavilion
Norway Pavilion
United States Pavilion
Listen to this podcast.
Subscribe to this podcast.
Expo 2010,
The World's Fair Podcast
Yesterday's ExpoMuseum Twitter Posts
- 11:00 Adding hundreds of new Expo 2010 photos to our Flickr account... with hundreds more to go: www.flickr.com/photos/expomuseum/ #
- 11:17 @edmontonexpo2017 Expo 2010's Pavilion of City Being (City Living) features a 360º film that includes a lot of Edmonton at Christmastime. #
- 22:44 We now have 818 Expo 2010 photos now: www.flickr.com/photos/expomuseum/sets/72157624033211009/ #
15 June 2010
Yesterday's ExpoMuseum Twitter Posts
- 11:07 What should become of Seattle Center? ExpoMuseum naturally supports the idea of an... ExpoMuseum.... bit.ly/9ttFIe #
- 12:03 The Expo 2010 Latvia Pavilion was a wonderful surprise: www.youtube.com/watch?v=-TH2upP2mI8 #
13 June 2010
Yesterday's ExpoMuseum Twitter Posts
- 15:57 Canada's PEI is like Shanghai? www.theguardian.pe.ca/index.cfm?sid=343235&sc=98 #
- 15:59 Iran sanction news hits with Ahmadinejad at Expo 2010: tinyurl.com/expo2010iran #
- 16:02 Seattle Times story about Expo 2010: seattletimes.nwsource.com/html/nationworld/2012094406_shanghaiexpo13.html #
10 June 2010
Yesterday's ExpoMuseum Twitter Posts
- 11:27 433 photos in our Expo 2010 Flickr set so far: www.flickr.com/photos/expomuseum/sets/72157624033211009/ #
- 12:02 RT @UrsoChappell Tron + Cork = Portugal Pavilion: www.flickr.com/photos/expomuseum/4685116148/ #
09 June 2010
Yesterday's ExpoMuseum Twitter Posts
- 12:16 RT @QueensMuseum Way cool! RT @nysci: Check out this digitally restored 1964 film made to promote the NYC World's Fair: bit.ly/bRSZsm #
- 12:17 RT @ AdamMinter Stitching silver at the Omani Expo 2010 (world's fair) pavilion. Lovely. twitpic.com/1v262c #
- 12:29 RT @theseasonpass TSPP#128-World's Fair & Listener Feedback is Live! seasonpasspodcast.libsyn.com/index.php?post_id=621472 #
- 12:42 President of Philippines visiting Shanghai's Expo 2010 today: www.malaya.com.ph/06082010/news7.html< /a> #
- 15:40 Iran president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad visiting Shanghai's Expo 2010: www.mehrnews.com/en/NewsDetail.aspx?NewsID=1097409 #
- 16:06 US bloggers/Tweeters: contest to win a trip to Expo 2010: www.sys-con.com/node/1422051 #
08 June 2010
Yesterday's ExpoMuseum Twitter Posts
- 12:37 The first 141 photos of the Expo 2010 trip are up (out of 1000's): www.flickr.com/photos/expomuseum/sets/72157624033211009/ #
06 June 2010
Yesterday's ExpoMuseum Twitter Posts
- 13:43 RT @UrsoChappell Back home after two weeks in Shanghai for Expo 2010... took over 3000 photos/short videos and hundreds of voice messages... #
- 13:44 RT @UrsoChappell ...and I'll be posting lots of content now that I'm not behind the Great Firewall of China. #
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