In the year or two before a world's fair, I'm always anxious to see what pavilion designs are being developed. Years ago, it was impossible to get this information beforehand. Now, with the internet, it's amazing what you can find.
Expo 2010 starts in about three years, but already preliminary designs are being unveiled. This week came news of Switzerland's plans, the result of a design competition.
Apparently, visitors will ride on ski lifts which will take them on a tour through the pavilion and onto the roof. (The articles I read called them "cable cars," but living in San Francisco, I've learned to be very picky about the term "cable car" ...but, I digress.)
Switzerland previously had a ski lift (and an indoor ski slope with artificial snow) at their Expo 88 Pavilion.
I can only imagine this will be a huge hit in Shanghai.
Back in the 60s you would be hard pressed to avoid pictures of the US and USSR pavilions at Expo 67 or the many large corporate pavilions at the New York World's Fair 1964-65. Shots of architect's models, artist's renderings, etc. appeared in every newsmagazine for years before the opening of these events. Now you can indeed get this information on the internet if you search for it. Oddly enough, with all the available information on the net, very few people are aware that Shanghai will be hosting a major world's fair in 2010. When I mention it to freinds, they assume I am referring to the 2008 Olympics in Beijing.
does anyone have a comprehensive list of offical country expo websites? they are difficult to extract sometimes...
This pavilion looks fabulous! I am hoping to make it to Shanghai for the expo, but we're going to Europe in '80 (yes, we're going to Zaragoza) so it's problematic if we can afford Shanghai in 2010. Still, with initial pavilion designs like this, makes me wonder if I shouldn't redouble my efforts to make it to Shanghai.
The pavilion of the Netherlands can be found online. And, the UK pavilion design will be unveiled in December 2007. The Swiss pavilion does look interesting, but i fear with the expected attendance the "cable-car-ride" entrance may make for some very long lines.
www.expo2010china.hu or www.vilagkiallitas.hu gives the most updated information about the 2010 World Expo Pavilions. Here you can free download the pavilions of participants or you can find pictures, maps and videos about Shanghai.
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