Urso Chappell’s ExpoMuseum Blog: Expo 2010 United States Pavilion Press Release

09 December 2008

Expo 2010 United States Pavilion Press Release

"US Must Act Rapidly to Ensure Participation in China's 2010 World Expo or Risk Major Diplomatic Blunder, Says Consortium"

That's the headline of a press release today from the BH&L Group, of which I'm a member of its advisory board. We're hoping to save the troubled efforts to create a United States Pavilion at Shanghai's Expo 2010, China's first world's fair.

To that end, I created the website UnitedStatesPavilion.com. I'm hoping this might finally get the ball rolling.

The press release can be found at: http://www.prweb.com/releases/2008/12/prweb1702724.htm.


Anonymous said...

Thank you, Urso, for your fantastic efforts in behalf of international understanding, reminding us all that Expos are important. For all of us with the BH&L Group working on the US Pavilion initiative, we appreciate your work very much. Here's hoping that the human spirit triumphs over the mundanities of economy, politics, and business as usual -- and that there IS a US Pavilion at Shanghai in 2010! Thanks again. - Bob Jacobson

Brian said...

What we need to see a pavilion come to life are people with vision, enthusiasm, priorities, and organizational abilities. Hey, I think I've just described YOU!