- 10:20 ExpoMuseum.com has already seen a record number of unique visits this month (in it's 12 year history) and it's... fb.me/vc1yMtzp #
- 17:53 Expo 2010 and the world's fair passport tradition: www.chinadaily.com.cn/cndy/2010-03/29/content_9653575.htm #
- 18:14 #Shanghai #WorldExpo and the USA Pavilion open May 1st tiny.cc/l5o8a #exhibit #China #design (via @Blooloop) #
29 March 2010
Yesterday's ExpoMuseum Twitter Posts
28 March 2010
Yesterday's ExpoMuseum Twitter Posts
- 01:24 A hint at what's inside the GM-SAIC Pavilion at Shanghai's #expo2010? www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dg9caJZR6eM #
- 01:28 Video: Malaysia at Shanghai's #expo2010 world's fair: www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rnn27BLUYBo #
- 01:35 Video: Little Mermaid removed in Copenhagen for placement in the Denmark Pavilion at #expo2010 www.youtube.com/watch?v=MsCctrG371A #
27 March 2010
Yesterday's ExpoMuseum Twitter Posts
- 01:31 @PhegleysLament They sure do. The largest in history starts May 1st: www.ExpoMuseum.com/2010/ #
- 13:28 Copenhagen's Little Mermaid Statue on its way to Shanghai's #expo2010 world's fair: bit.ly/bxoNih #
- 13:30 American Airlines ( @AAirwaves ) sponsor of USA Pavilion at Shanghai's #expo2010 world's fair bit.ly/d1QTBC #
- 17:30 Want a world's fair in the USA again? Join the Facebook page: www.facebook.com/pages/Expo-2020-USA/107573382605753 #
25 March 2010
Yesterday's ExpoMuseum Twitter Posts
- 21:01 Video: Norway Pavilion interior at Shanghai's #expo2010 www.youtube.com/watch?v=qB6auraHQPU #
- 21:03 Video preview of Cisco Pavilion at #expo2010 www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wg7MGcf4n4Y #
- 22:52 CCTV Video of the #expo2010 Germany Pavilion... including their huge LED interactive sphere: www.youtube.com/watch?v=BC90siIpA8o #
24 March 2010
Yesterday's ExpoMuseum Twitter Posts
- 12:03 RT @ PascalExpo2010 Pics from the Expo 2010 Shanghai site on March 13th - ENJOY! bit.ly/9kkRjv #
- 15:21 I have a big favor to ask of world's fair fans: Call and comment about any world's fair/expo... or ask a question... to +1-650-ASK-EXPO #
- 20:00 We're putting together a "listener comment/question" episode of The World's Fair Podcast and we'd like to invite... fb.me/tk3A4ux7 #
23 March 2010
Yesterday's ExpoMuseum Twitter Posts
- 00:41 22 March 2010: Just 40 days until Shanghai's #expo2010 opens #
- 10:26 RT @UrsoChappell Do you have a world's fair passport story? I'm writing an article for China Daily about them. Urso@UrsoChappell.com #
- 10:28 That's dedication! RT @HandofGloryTat2 Brian did a tattoo of the World's Fair Poster on Desi: yfrog.com/5xrk1j #
- 10:32 @rowsbelle The song "Meet Me in St. Louis" actually predates the musical and was sung at the 1904 World's Fair. #
- 10:34 RT @Rialmamusic Check this video out -- 1974 World's Fair youtu.be/7rPOb-FWgLA I was there. It's like I re-lived it again. Awesome!! #
- 16:55 Seattle Times article about Shanghai's #expo2010 seattletimes.nwsource.com/html/travel/2011410138_webshanghaiexpo21.html #
22 March 2010
World's Fair Passports
World's Fair Passports have been around since Expo 67.
Do you have a world's fair passport story?
Let me know if you do. I'm currently writing an article for China Daily about them.
Do you have a world's fair passport story?
Let me know if you do. I'm currently writing an article for China Daily about them.
Yesterday's ExpoMuseum Twitter Posts
- 14:40 RT @UrsoChappell Expo 2010 (+ a bit of me) in Ottawa Citizen: bit.ly/9xjVrr #
- 14:44 RT @UrsoChappell At Knott's Berry Farm with @TheSeasonPass ... and visiting Mystery Lodge, Expo 86 legacy show. #
20 March 2010
Yesterday's ExpoMuseum Twitter Posts
- 00:26 RT @photofeeds2: New Orleans 1884 World's Fair, 'World Cotton Centennial,' Audubon Park, 2008 Photo © Jade Doskow bit.ly/bHhe1H #
19 March 2010
Yesterday's ExpoMuseum Twitter Posts
- 10:54 RT @Tannerman Being a fan of Disney .... concept art, this 1992 Chicago World's Fair "that never was" caught my eye bit.ly/bcljeS #
- 10:58 Edmonton's bid for #expo2017 as of now: 41% support, 48% oppose, 11% unsure: bit.ly/b1wcPr #
- 11:11 RT @danwei Shanghai Expo: A significant event or cash up in smoke?: Shanghai Expo 2010 a.k.a. The World's Fair... bit.ly/bAwlGr #
18 March 2010
Yesterday's ExpoMuseum Twitter Posts
- 03:06 Here's a link to Seattle Center's public meeting information including a link to email them with... fb.me/6zdU1VD #
- 14:30 @AlphonseBunter US tends to call them "world's fairs"...others, "expo" or "world expo." We haven't had one in the US since '84. #
- 14:32 RT @Josh_Ward I'm watching the 1982 World's Fair in Knoxville on Channel 2. A different time it was. #
- 14:43 The UK Pavilion is really looking like a standout: worldexpoblog.com/2010/03/17/seed-pavilion-is-germinated/ #
- 14:43 Even the Oil Pavilion at Shanghai's #expo2010 has a mascot: worldexpoblog.com/2010/03/17/another-week-another-mascot/ #
- 14:44 Great photo of the Israel and Pakistan Pavilions side-by-side: worldexpoblog.com/2010/03/16/everybody-needs-good-neighbours/ #
17 March 2010
Yesterday's ExpoMuseum Twitter Posts
- 10:30 We missed yesterday's anniversary: Expo '70 opened 40 years ago on 15 March. www.ExpoMuseum.com/1970/ #
- 10:31 17 March 2010 marks the 25th anniversary of Expo '85 opening day in Tsukuba, Japan: www.ExpoMuseum.com/1985/ #
- 10:49 RT @allydevito Take a listen to the 1982 World's Fair music: The 1982 Wold's Fair was in Knoxville, and after li... bit.ly/d2zyCv #
- 10:50 RT @stlactivisthub Discussion of Race and the 1904 World's Fair tonight at MO History Museum: tinyurl.com/yzn4zhq #stl #stlouis #
- 10:52 GREAT images! RT @swadeshine > @PinkTentacle has some great photos up from the 1970 World's Fair in Osaka: bit.ly/9Vg6L7 #
- 10:54 @TFDuesing Actually, it was the next to last. New Orleans' 1984 was the last in US... www.ExpoMuseum.com/1984/ #
- 13:52 @TFDuesing I agree. That's why many of us want to bring it back in 2020. www.Expo2020USA.com/ #
- 22:04 From Seattle Center's page: Have ideas about the potential uses of the former Fun Forest areas at Seattle Center?... fb.me/6mgaGaF #
16 March 2010
Yesterday's ExpoMuseum Twitter Posts
- 12:41 RT @squiddie @GreatDismal Working at the 1939 World's Fair (Margaret Bourke-White Life Archives) bit.ly/ajBNFK #
- 12:41 RT @squiddie Formal bumper cars at the 1939 World's Fair (Life Archives) bit.ly/a32vYg #
- 12:42 @Titan4Ever2488 How about just a plane to Shanghai and go to the 2010 World's Fair? www.ExpoMusuem.com/2010/ #
- 12:47 Fantasic Article! RT @thats_trendy I Met Dr. King And Malcolm X At The Seattle World's Fair - tinyurl.com/ydkebwo #
- 12:49 @theyuppie @chrishanz Actually, that's Expo 2010 in Shanghai, China. Expo 2012 will be in Yeosu, Korea. #
- 12:52 RT @brainpicker: #Shanghai prepares for #Expo2010 –31 striking photos that really give you a sense of scale is.gd/aIiaJ #photography #
- 12:54 Documentary about #expo2010 called Shanghai 2010 coming to a PBS station near you in March and/or April (EM's @UrsoChappell is in it) #
- 12:57 Cool website showing the European pavilions at #expo2010 www.2010shanghai.eu/eupavilions.html # < /ul>ExpoMuseum on Twitter
15 March 2010
Yesterday's ExpoMuseum Twitter Posts
- 17:44 RT @UrsoChappell My latest article (RE: nation branding) is in Monday's China Daily (I didn't write the headline): bit.ly/aKJPtD #
14 March 2010
Shanghai 2010 TV Series... and My Latest China Daily Article
Today, I had the pleasure of seeing the first public showing of four episodes of Shanghai 2010, a documentary series about Shanghai and Expo 2010 by D3 Productions. I was interviewed for the program at the Palace of Fine Arts here in San Francisco, site of the 1915 Panama-Pacific International Exposition.
It's a great series and I particularly enjoyed the segments talking about various individual pavilions such as Germany, Holland, France, Luxembourg, the United States, and Coca-Cola.
The series will debut at various times on PBS stations in the United States... in both standard and high definition... in March and April. As they say, check your local listings.
Also, today, my third article for China Daily was published. I wrote about nation branding at world's fairs. A disclaimer: I didn't write the headline. My proposed headline was "Leaving an Impression: Nation Branding at World Expos."
It's a great series and I particularly enjoyed the segments talking about various individual pavilions such as Germany, Holland, France, Luxembourg, the United States, and Coca-Cola.
The series will debut at various times on PBS stations in the United States... in both standard and high definition... in March and April. As they say, check your local listings.
Also, today, my third article for China Daily was published. I wrote about nation branding at world's fairs. A disclaimer: I didn't write the headline. My proposed headline was "Leaving an Impression: Nation Branding at World Expos."
13 March 2010
Yesterday's ExpoMuseum Twitter Posts
- 00:39 12 March 2010: Just 50 days until Shanghai's #expo2010 opens! #
- 00:40 The World's Fair Podcast now has a Facebook page: www.facebook.com/pages/The-Worlds-Fair-Podcast/403778984304 #
- 12:33 RT @ioncuervasmons #expo2010 ya hay capa intermedia: www.flickr.com/photos/ioncuervasmons/4426128475/ #
- 12:33 RT @cnngo: The #Japanese pavilion at the #Shanghai World Expo has the cleanest and most comfortable toilets bit.ly/d56Hxk #
- 12:36 R T @LuckyDeAngelo ...American Airlines becomes official sponsor of the USA pavilion at the Shanghai World Expo 2010 ow.ly/16MQA3 #
12 March 2010
Yesterday's ExpoMuseum Twitter Posts
- 09:04 RT @edmontonexpo17 It is to "imagine, plan and organize Canada's sesquicentennial" or 150 birthday. Visit: bit.ly/6Y85RS #expo2017 #
- 18:02 South Africa possibly entering the competition for an Expo 2020: exposa2020.co.za/ www.ExpoMuseum.com/2020/ #
- 18:14 Realizing that we really need to leverage the power of Facebook for ExpoMuseum and The World's Fair Podcast. fb.me/6i3pTqy #
11 March 2010
Yesterday's ExpoMuseum Twitter Posts
- 10:19 RT @expo2020 San Antonio to have presence at Shanghai 2010 - bit.ly/bwhizs #
- 14:51 Hmmm.. There is no answer... so many ways to measure RT @inklingpredicts Will China hold the most successful World Expo? is.gd/a9GlX #
- 14:53 It's hard to search for Shanghai #expo2010 tweets when there's a World Pork Expo, a Pizza Expo, a Search Engine Strategies Expo, etc., etc. #
10 March 2010
Yesterday's ExpoMuseum Twitter Posts
- 08:48 News about the US & UK at Shanghai's #expo2010 bit.ly/d0h2zJ (sure to create a stir) & bit.ly/aWTSfB (a "trade show?") #
- 08:53 RT @AdamMinter twitpic.com/17eykn - Expo 2010 billboard in Times Square. Meanwhile, 99% of NYC editors never heard of Expo 2010 #
- 12:11 @jwordfish How about this year's? 1300 acres, 192 countries, over 70 million visitors expected: www.ExpoMuseum.com/2010/ #
- 12:12 @RoboYuji They sure do: www.ExpoMuseum.com/ (This year's is the largest in history) #
- 12:13 @SusieTVaddict Well, you can go to Shanghai this year or Milan in 2015: www.ExpoMuseum.com/ #
- 16:48 RT @wilperro: Just found out @ozomatli is playing @ the world expo in China!! #
09 March 2010
Yesterday's ExpoMuseum Twitter Posts
- 08:35 Ep. 7 of The World's Fair Podcast now up: Pascal Deseure talks about the virtual online version of Expo 2010: www.WorldsFairPodcast.com #
08 March 2010
Yesterday's ExpoMuseum Twitter Posts
- 22:39 2012 Olympic corner in the UK Pavilion at Shanghai's #expo2010 en.expo2010.cn/a/20100302/000004.htm #
- 22:40 Shanghai's #expo2010 unveils volunteer uniforms: en.expo2010.cn/a/20100303/000006.htm #
07 March 2010
The World's Fair Podcast, Episode 7: Expo Shanghai Online with Pascal Deseure

In episode 7 of The World's Fair Podcast, we talk with Pascal Deseure about Expo Shanghai Online, the virtual online version of Expo 2010. He gives us an on-the-ground update on Expo 2010's progress as we get closer to the May 1st opening date.
Here are a few links related to our discussion:
Expo Shanghai Online
Construction photos of Expo 2010 courtesy of Pascal Deseure
ExpoMuseum's Expo 2010 page
Listen to this podcast.
Subscribe to this podcast.
Yesterday's ExpoMuseum Twitter Posts
- 13:38 NEW! Ask ExpoMuseum and The World's Fair Podcast a question... or leave feedback: +1-650-ASK-EXPO #
- 16:11 @loosetooth We've finished 7 episodes so far: www.WorldsFairPodcast.com/ I hope you like 'em! #
- 16:48 Thanks for posting! RT @JoeyPaulGowdy I uploaded a YouTube video -- 1982/05/16 - The World's Fair in Knoxville youtu.be/G1AqwQWaZ2c?a #
06 March 2010
ExpoMuseum and The World's Fair Podcast now have a phone line you can call to ask questions or leave feedback. Questions will be answered in person and/or on the podcast.
Yesterday's ExpoMuseum Twitter Posts
- 15:12 LA Times: US Gears Up for Expo 2010: www.latimes.com/news/nation-and-world/la-fg-shanghai-expo4-2010mar04,0,1322372.story #
- 15:28 RT @FreddieBoz I am fast becoming an expert on the 1881 world's fair in Atlanta. Ask me anything. This knowledge is unexpected. #
04 March 2010
Yesterday's ExpoMuseum Twitter Posts
- 11:17 RT @schema_magazine #DailyDose How to be part of World Expo in Shanghai | Jointhewall.org "I don't know why I don't..." ow.ly/1dMWG #
- 11:25 VERY cool info! RT @wanken Behind the Expo 67 logo blog.wanken.com/2010/03/02/expo67-logo/ #design #
- 11:39 RT @onlymagazine Awesome British film of Expo 67: bit.ly/cLFf5N #
- 11:40 RT @irishcdndebs Edmonton, Alberta, Canada has voted to proceed with the second phase of putting together a bid for Edmonton EXPO 2017 #
03 March 2010
Yesterday's ExpoMuseum Twitter Posts
- 08:41 2 March 2010: Just 60 days until the opening of Shanghai's #expo2010 ...China's first world's fair #
02 March 2010
Yesterday's ExpoMuseum Twitter Posts
- 08:39 RT @UrsoChappell My 2nd article for China Daily (RE: Vancouver's Expo 86) is now available online: bit.ly/cd39sO #yvr #
- 08:46 @pepejima Which year's Mexican Pavilion are you looking for? #
- 10:20 01 March 2010: Just 2 months until Shanghai's #expo2010 opens! #
- 11:52 RT @rdegiusti After Expo 86 Vancouver transformed from Portland into Seattle. After Olympics, I can not tell if our little city has grown. #
- 11:55 RT @VanCourierNews In Geoff Olson: ...lineups were long and pavilions were nothing like the ones at Expo 86 ow.ly/1bMpB #
- 13:16 RT @BoingBoing Short film about 1962 World's Fair in Seattle bit.ly/cS1VdT #
- 13:17 RT @jman077 I think it's about time to have a World's Fair in the US again. What a cool idea for an event that people don't really pay... #
- 22:31 @pepejima We have this construction photo of the #expo2010 Mexico Pavilion: www.flickr.com/photos/expomuseum/4400737726/ #
- 22:37 Posted 36 construction photos courtesy of our friend Pascal Deseure: www.flickr.com/photos/expomuseum/sets/72157600774212115/ #
01 March 2010
Expo 2010 Construction Photos
Pascal Deseure, in Shanghai, sent us construction photos of 36 pavilions. They're now on ExpoMuseum's Flickr site.
Here are a few of them:

Here are a few of them:

Expo 2010,
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