- 00:47 Kuwait, Bhutan, and Burkina Faso dropping out of Expo 2010: tinyurl.com/2010dropouts #
- 16:45 The Expo Museum Pavilion at Expo 2010 (no relation to ExpoMuseum.com): english.cntv.cn/program/cultureexpress/20100429/101306.shtml #
30 April 2010
Yesterday's ExpoMuseum Twitter Posts
29 April 2010
Yesterday's ExpoMuseum Twitter Posts
- 09:25 Great Deutsche Welle video (in English) about German Pavilion preparations: www.youtube.com/watch?v=zf2cGHzpNso #
28 April 2010
Yesterday's ExpoMuseum Twitter Posts
- 13:31 It's 28 April 2010 in China... just 3 days until the largest world's fair in history opens! www.ShanghaiWorldsFair.com/ #
- 16:15 Great images of Expo 2010 during the soft opening: www.giverny.com/hotels/shanghai_podcasts/shanghai-expo-2010/ #
26 April 2010
Yesterday's ExpoMuseum Twitter Posts
- 14:35 Wow! Great arial video of the Expo 2010 site at night (from ITN): www.youtube.com/watch?v=6UurZWzoL6k #
- 14:37 Video: Denmark at Expo 2010: www.youtube.com/watch?v=nK9YT1qrRzs #
25 April 2010
Yesterday's ExpoMuseum Twitter Posts
- 15:26 Episode 9 of The World's Fair Podcast talks about world's fair legacy sites and memorabilia collecting: www.worldsfairpodcast.com/ #
- 16:52 Episode 9 of The World's Fair Podcast is now available for download. We talk with Jason Griffing about expo legacy... fb.me/wTQt2L5S #
24 April 2010
The World's Fair Podcast, Episode 9: World's Fair Legacy Sites with Jason Griffing

In Episode 9 of The World's Fair Podcast, hosts Urso Chappell and John McGregor talk with Jason Griffing about the former sites of world's fairs as well as memorabilia collecting.
Listen to this podcast.
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Yesterday's ExpoMuseum Twitter Posts
- 12:35 ABC: Shanghai's Expo Trials Get Crowded, Rocky Start: Shanghai's Expo Trials Get Crowded, Rocky Start #
- 12:45 News of the US Pavilion at Shanghai's Expo 2010: www.google.com/hostednews/afp/article/ALeqM5ho0_HDigNnd7_rGcTN3thfN2gOCw #
- 12:46 Whenever I see articles saying Expo 2010 is "like" a world's fair, I want to ask if the Olympics are "like" an Olympiad. It's the same thing #
- 21:20 my latest expo story on the tyranny of high expectations n.pr/126223052 (via @limlouisa) #
- 23:35 Queues in front of popular pavilions longer than 2 hours. More performances start today. (via @expochina) #
15 April 2010
Yesterday's ExpoMuseum Twitter Posts
- 11:38 Disney now a sponsor of US Pavilion at Shanghai's Expo 2010: tinyurl.com/disneyuspav #
- 12:05 Great to see Disney involved in a world's fair pavilion again, even if they're just forking over money. fb.me/uWtWQ5pz #
- 14:35 RT @HistoryLink: We have a new bio of architect Paul Thiry, principal designer of Seattle's 1962 World's Fair... bit.ly/bRGkaL #
- 15:02 @pinklipssstick Wow. I hadn't heard about that. Where can I get more info? I imagine this was after the Berlin Olympics? #
- 23:41 Video game + diabetes testing = world's fair? tinyurl.com/knockem #
- 23:50 Video: Expo 2010's physical Expo Museum I'd love to someday see a permanent Expo Museum. fb.me/w9Nhvlvc #
13 April 2010
Yesterday's ExpoMuseum Twitter Posts
- 15:22 Cool photos of the Green Pavilion at Shanghai's Expo 2010: www.greenmuze.com/build/design/2538-shanghais-green-pavilion.html #
- 21:09 Episode 8 of The World's Fair Podcast is now available for upload. fb.me/vtMCerIE #
- 21:52 Episode 8 of The World's Fair Podcast is now up for download. This time it's "expo potpourri": www.WorldsFairPodcast.com/ #
12 April 2010
The World's Fair Podcast, Episode 8: Expo Potpourri

In Episode 8 of The World's Fair Podcast, hosts John McGregor and Urso Chappell talk about various world's fair topics including Expo 2010, the fate of Seattle Center, and large motion picture formats.
Here are a few links related to our discussion:
Expo 2010 - official site
Seattle Center - Public Feedback
The Textures of Expo 2010 - Ottawa Citizen article
Listen to this podcast.
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Expo 2010,
Seattle Center,
The World's Fair Podcast
Yesterday's ExpoMuseum Twitter Posts
- 14:25 It will be interesting to see North Korea's first world's fair pavilion (at Shanghai's #expo2010): tinyurl.com/yaknova #
11 April 2010
Yesterday's ExpoMuseum Twitter Posts
- 03:55 A first look at the inside of Shanghai's Expo 2010 US Pavilion: shanghaiscrap.com/?p=4807 #
- 13:35 Sequel to Iron Man will use old '64-'65 world's fair site as their Stark Expo site: www.starkexpo2010.com/ (Men in Black deja vu?) #
- 13:48 This iPhone app guide to Expo 2010 looks interesting: www.redbang.com/PRESSRELEASE/ (quite trendsetting given the 2000 copyright!) #
- 14:08 Expo 2010's Finland Pavilion has humorous videos introducing their culture: www.youtube.com/user/DailyApe #
- 14:36 Audio: The Australia Pavilion at Shanghai's Expo 2010: mpegmedia.abc.net.au/rn/podcast/2010/04/bdn_20100407_1506.mp3 #
- 16:13 Wow. More amazing photos of Expo 2010's UK Pavilion! In many ways it STILL looks like a computer generated image: tinyurl.com/ydqat26 #
- 18:21 The program Shanghai 2010 will be on PBS stations in the coming weeks. Check local listings. Info: tinyurl.com/shanghai2010tv #
- 19:16 Just 20 days left until Shanghai's Expo 2010 finally opens! #
06 April 2010
Yesterday's ExpoMuseum Twitter Posts
- 15:21 RT @disturbedmma Skate park to replace [New York] World's Fair relic bit.ly/a9tCRq #
- 15:21 @BrettBemis We still have them. The largest in history starts May 1st in Shanghai. Edmonton is bidding for 2017: www.ExpoMuseum.com/ #
- 15:25 This will mess with "Expo 86" searches for a long while: www.bpmmagazine.net/2010/04/wolf-parade-announces-new-album-expo-86/ #
- 15:26 RT @RoyCollective designer of the amazing...expo 86 logo is unknown: www.canadiandesignresource.ca/officialgallery/logo/expo86-logo/ #
- 16:07 Adam Minter's "The Gun Almost Smokes: Two once-secret documents related to the USA Expo 2010 pavilion": shanghaiscrap.com/?p=4772 #
- 16:07 José H. Villarreal's Defending the [Expo 2010] USA Pavilion" www.foreignpolicy.com/articles/2010/04/02/defending_the_usa_pavilion #
01 April 2010
Yesterday's ExpoMuseum Twitter Posts
- 21:56 1 April 2010: Just 30 days until Shanghai's #expo2010 opens! #
- 22:00 Become a fan of ExpoMuseum on Facebook: www.facebook.com/pages/ExpoMuseum/101568459369 #
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