Urso Chappell’s ExpoMuseum Blog: @ExpoMuseum Twitter: Tuesday, October 25, 2011

25 October 2011

@ExpoMuseum Twitter: Tuesday, October 25, 2011

InPark article about the Expo 2012 United States Pavilion: http://t.co/Urdyr2N1 #Expo2012 #Yeosu #Korea

San Diego 1915 Centennial celebration OK'ed: http://t.co/dF1H4L2N

Well, this is confusing. An event calling itself Expo '74, but not a world's fair, not in Spokane, and not in 1974: http://t.co/H9wC4jsX

New book about 1962 Seattle out in time for 50th anniversary: http://t.co/sRg9BzP2

Our site http://t.co/hzhZ7noO has been updated. We're expecting more updates in the coming weeks as bids become official.

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